September 5, 2012

Ireland at Last

Greetings from the Emerald Isle! It is 11:30am, sunny skies and a high of freezing! I have to say, like Oregon, the sun might be out but the wind is a blowing and it's cold. But that is ok! Ireland is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, I was trying to describe Oregon to one of my roommates and I told him that Ireland is about 10 shades greener than Oregon.

(View outside my dorm room)
We arrived at 7am yesterday, unloaded the plane, went through customs and piled on a bus full of fellow UL (University of Limerick) students and began out 30 min drive from Shannon to Limerick.
once we arrived the driving dropped off each student at their village (apartment) and yes I was last. My village Cappavilla, is on the far side of campus with an amazing view into the green country side.

The irish are very kind and funny. I have to say I haven't meant a group of people more willing to laugh at themselves. They don't care what they look like, or if they are making fools of themselves, they just have fun. There is no pressure here, just laid back and fun tales to hear.
(Court Yard in the middle of the main building)
The campus is large, I might invest in a bike of some kind, for those rainy days when I don't have to get drenched. I am very glad that it wasn't raining when we arrive and that for the past two days I've been enjoying the sunshine.

So far two of my roommates have arrived, one is from New Zealand and the other is from France. Not only are they polite and eager to learn more about America, they are excited to share about their home as well. I've learned a lot about both countries. I cooked dinner last night, pasta noodles and sauce, nothing special since we are limited on what we can cook because we don't have much food to begin with. But I was glad to have dinner and a gathering to meet everyone that I will be living with.

Today marks day two, and I am very excited, I hope to travel into the town of Limerick today, or just stay home and catch up on sleep, the time change is a little bit of a challenge. But the wait was well worth it! Ireland is beautiful!

Sleep well America! Let another day begin!

1 comment:

  1. Amber!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! Ok really I am totally jealous of you. giggle giggle What an amazing place you are in! I just showed Rachell your view from your dorm. She proclaimed that on her next day off she is going to go to Ireland. lol

    So when you made pasta, was it for you and your roommates? Will you all develop a strategy for taking turns with meals and chores?

    The absence of crazy airplane travel talk must mean that your flight was uneventful.....long for sure, but I am glad you made it safe.

    Love you so much honey. Know that you are being thought of and loved on this side of the world. Looking forward to hearing more stories.
