September 10, 2012

The City of Limerick

One thing people don't tell you about going abroad is how important the little things are. Like shampoo. Yes, you think oh just run to walmart, or winco and grab a cheap bottle, or for those who liek to spend lots of money on really expencive stuff you go to a brand man store. But what do you do in a different country? Where the locals raise their eyebrows at the name "walmart."
I ran out of shampoo, yes so thank god we went to Limerick that day. First we piled onto a large travel bus and drove into the city and was dropped off right in the city center.
(Heading down the street to the Milk Market)
Limerick is not like Portland, or Vancouver, there are no tall buildings overlooking the people, or men walking in suits. The buildings show their character in each crease and slanted brink that was placed with a caring hand instead of a building crew. Tiny cars line the streets and people usually walk everywhere since all you need is in close walking distance. 

OUr first stop was Penny's, yes it's close to what you image, JC Penny's, though it has amazing prices! We as study abroad students have to provide sheets and pillow cases while here so nearly 900 students filled the stacks picking out their favorite color sheets and pillow cases, of course, I got mix matching ones. :P

 After our Penny's adventure we made our way to the milk market, much like the local farmers market, only more amazing! It's held in a huge tent near the Shannon River and you will find hand made bread, freshly picked apples and fish heads the size of your torso!
While walking back from the milk market, I saw a stand with a bunch of apples and asked the guy how much they were. He turned to me with a chuckle and says "for you, five for 2 euros" I pause for a moment, mmm freshly picked apples, for 2 euros, not bad. :) My roommate, lets call him H for conventional reasons turns to him and asks  how much for the bananas? "seven for 2 euros." What! Why did I have to pay more? So I turn on my charming smile and say, "Not fair H, you get more than me, even though I'm prettier." The apple banana man begins to roar with laughter and H is laughing as well. "For that comment little lady you get free bananas!" People, it pays to laugh at yourself!  Especially if you and they get a kick out of it.

To end the night we had a dance party, held in one of the many pubs on campus called the Stables. We learned irish dancing, well we tried to learn it. It's a lot harder than it looks, you have to stand on your toes a lot and lets say the next morning my ankles were killing me!! :)
Here what we all thought we looked like! haha Not ready, once the students were done teaching us we sat back and enjoyed their end of the evening performance. Though, everyone's bellies were full of ale but that time so there is a lot of giggling.

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